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Heidi-Liz Johnson

Behind the Curtain #1: A Summer of Learning

Not sure how popular these posts will be, but they'll be good for me, if nothing else! "Behind the Curtain" is a new category of the blog where every once in a while, I'll just sum up what's been going on with me recently in auditions and in the world of the theatre. I don't imagine this category will come up often -- perhaps seasonally -- but if you clicked and are still reading at this point, maybe you'll allow me the occasional self-indulgence! Here's a little insight into ✨The Wonderful World of Heidi-Liz Johnson✨ in the last few months.

For those of you that don't know, this past school year, I worked as a theatre director at a high school in New Jersey. When the time came to renew my contract for the following school year, I made the decision to walk away as I knew that by signing on for another year or more, I would be putting my performing dreams on hold and/or only giving half of myself to my students. It was a difficult decision -- and I will miss working with those amazing young performers immensely -- but I ultimately stand by my decision and know that it was for the best. So with the closing of their spring musical at the end of April, I really jumped into the audition pool at the beginning of May.

Just in the short while I've been auditioning "full-time", I have learned SO MUCH. The industry, the audition culture out here, the different types of auditions, EPA versus ECC, Equity versus EMC versus Non-eq, where you go for auditions, where you go for audition postings, initial submissions versus self-tapes versus live auditions, by appointment versus open call, the mentalities of actors working out here... The list goes on and on -- I'm barely scratching the surface -- and I swear I take away a new lesson with every audition I submit or attend.

Because it's summer and we aren't in the height of audition season, in a typical week, I try to attend at least one open call a week, but on a good week (like this week or next), I'll go into the city three or four days to try my luck. At least from my experience thus far, the trend seems to be that non-equity auditions (meaning auditions open to anyone not a part of the Actor's Equity Association) do first round of auditions either by appointment only or via self-tapes, meaning you're unlikely / unable to find and pop in on a non-eq audition while hopping between the various audition studios: you'll really only find open calls for the big boys (Broadway or Off-Broadway Equity calls). As I am currently non-equity, I am able to submit for all non-equity postings, and I'm also able to attend equity open calls in the hopes that I'll be seen after everyone from the equity list as well as EMC and/or alternate lists has been in the room to audition.

To sum all of that up, that basically means that at the start of each week, I look at my compiled list of what open calls are happening where each day and make decisions if need be as far as which basket(s) I'm placing my eggs. Then, because I'm non-eq and can't make appointments or guarantee any of these equity auditions, most of my days in the city consist of an early morning train, hauling my hefty backpack to one of the three major studios that I predetermined earlier in my planning for the week, writing my name down on the non-equity list, taking a seat in the holding room, and waiting, sometimes until 6 pm.

I had an audition this week where I sat in the holding room from the very beginning until the bitter end, and I wasn't seen. I had another audition this week where I arrived early to find that there were already 80+ names on the non-eq list, only for all EMC and non-eq to be turned away completely before the day even started. I've also had an audition where I arrived minutes before they started, expecting to wait around all day, and I was pulled into the first group. And I had an audition that I waited around all day, somewhere in the 60s range on the non-eq list, and I was the very last person seen before the audition closed. You just never know what you're walking into on any given day, so as mentally, emotionally, and physically taxing as it can be sometimes, it beats sitting on the sidelines. You miss every shot you don't take.

Looking at my master sheet, as of my writing this, I've "auditioned" (or at least shown up, whether or not I was seen, via in person, self-tape, online submission, headshot / resume submission, etc.) for a total of 45 productions. It's a humbling number because I'm still adjusting to the audition scene out here, but I'm just getting started. Some have warranted callbacks, some I never heard back about.

And one I booked.

Good things are on the horizon, and I'm so excited to share more (as soon as I'm able). In the meantime, I'm hopeful that this stream of consciousness was an enjoyable read. Reading it back, I'm realizing I haven't taken time (here or previously) to really explain all the terminology / day-to-day isms all that thoroughly, so if you'd like to hear more about something I mentioned or have specific questions you'd like answered -- either directly or in future posts -- please let me know through the Contact form or by dropping a comment down below! I'd love to start more conversations within the community of this blog.

Thanks for reading, #DreamTeamHLJ, and never be ashamed to learn -- there's nothing wrong with being the new guy.

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Aug 09, 2023

Love this Heidi!! I would love to book you to talk to the students at ACU or my studio Via zoom, if you would!! I will also share the blog!!

Keep up the excellent work.

PS I agree about leaving the directing bizz for now. It is really rewarding but because you’re you, Im sure you dug deep and put the hours in for an artistic outcome! I know those hours and that drive very well. It is too hard to do when you need those hours for your performing career.

Heidi-Liz Johnson
Aug 12, 2023
Replying to

I'd love to talk with your studio and the ACU students, I'd be honored!! Feel free to touch base with me via phone, text, or email at a time convenient for you so we can work to set it up!

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