I didn't want to skip this week, given the recent break over the holidays, but I must apologize for the brief nature of this post. "Behind the Curtain" updates usually come a little easier and quicker than my other categories of posts, so I hope you'll forgive me for a simple, short update this week. I'll do everything I can to get back on track next Wednesday!
This week both snuck up on me and got away from me. Juggling final rehearsals for my workshop reading, starting rehearsals for my next Off-Broadway production, AND helping Mychal to prepare everything he needs to do / pack / plan for as he leaves to go on tour, all within this one week? I'm honestly feeling a bit stretched thin, especially considering how little sleep I've been getting amidst all the chaos. Don't get me wrong, I KNOW how blessed I am, how blessed both Mychal and I are. We're both doing the thing, it's so exciting! But in an effort to uphold one of my new year's resolutions, I also recognize that I need to listen to my body when it asks for a moment to breathe. I'm taking that moment where I can (the most "convenient" or easiest to control being a shorter post this week) so that I can focus on my two projects as well as soak up every spare moment I can with my darling husband over the next few days.
If you're feeling overwhelmed or stretched thin this week, I beg you to take some time for yourself. Don't overlook your needs while they're still manageable because eventually? Whether you like it or not, your body will force you to slow down when it's had enough, either resulting in sickness or a breakdown or even a depressive episode. Do what you can to lighten your load this week and enjoy some downtime so you can brave the chaos.
Thanks for reading, #DreamTeamHLJ, and if you'd like more to read this week, check in on Mychal's blog to see how he's been doing during his rehearsal process: https://www.mychalleverage.com/blog-1.