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Heidi-Liz Johnson

5-6-7-8: 8 Ways To Ensure You Are Performance-Ready During Flu Season

It's October, y'all! That means fall decor, sweater weather, leaves changing color, boots with plush socks, cozy candles, and pumpkin spice running rampant. It also means flu season is upon us, but who has time to slow down and recover from some nasty illness when there's so much to enjoy about the season (not to mention when you're in the middle of a production)? So let me help you help yourself: here are 8 ways to ensure you are performance-ready during flu season.

#1 -- Get Those Vaccines, Baby

The inspiration for this post since my hubby and I got our shots this week! The easiest way to protect yourself from the germs out there is to head down to your friendly neighborhood pharmacy and get a shot or two, plain and simple. Get that flu shot, the Covid shot, and add in the pneumonia shot if you're prone to nasty viruses around this time of year. The vaccines are free with most insurances, and even if you don't have insurance, there are programs out there to help or sometimes completely cover the costs. Just make sure you can take it easy for at least 36 hours following your appointment to recover!

#2 -- Steam for Days

Yes, those are capybaras enjoying a hot bath, but don't they look so happy? We can learn from them. Steam inhaling is exceedingly advantageous to your vocal health, especially in the cold and dry months. There are tons of reasons why steaming is good for your voice, but to name a few, it plumps your vocal folds, promotes healing after illness by supplementing moisture, soothes a dry throat or persistent cough, acts as a lubricant to break up mucus, and encourages relaxation when there's tension. So step into a steaming bathtub, a hot shower, or use a personal steamer / steaming inhaler, and breathe in those benefits.

#3 -- Boost Immunity with Vitamin Supplements

Sometimes, our bodies need extra help to fight off sickness, so why not introduce some extra immunity when getting sick is just not an option? If ever I'm feeling under the weather or like I may have some illness brewing, I take echinacea (shorten effects of cold and flu, boost immunity), Vitamin C (boost immunity), zinc lozenges (reduce cold duration, reduce respiratory infections, boost immunity), Emergen-C or Airborne (boost immunity), and gargle a tincture of orange essential oil and warm water (stimulate immune system, fight inflammation). It may sound like a lot, but I cannot tell you how many times I've gone through just one round of this regimen and woken up the next morning feeling good as new.

#4 -- Mask Up

Nothing funny to add, nor do I think it's a laughing matter. Masking is effective, as we learned in 2020, so why shouldn't we continue masking to protect ourselves and others during the height of flu season in the future? On a crowded subway? Mask up -- you don't want to pick up anything floating around in there, plus you'll be more conscious of touching your face with dirty hands. Feeling sick and have to leave the house? Mask up -- it's a show of respect to your fellow man to protect them from your germs. Attending a show and will be in close proximity with both audience and actors? Mask up -- the theatre is unfortunately an easy way to pass around sickness, so do your part to ensure we can all keep the show going.

#5 -- Coat that Throat

As an actor, you're constantly overusing your voice with the amount of lines your deliver and/or verses you sing, so sick or not, your throat will thank you for some assistance. If you don't have a stash in your house already, pick up a box or twelve of Throat Coat tea next time you're grocery shopping. If we're being honest, tea is a GIFT from GOD with dozens of benefits depending on the type, so even if Throat Coat doesn't tickle your fancy, you can absolutely find a tea out there to soothe a dry, scratchy throat. If you're not big on tea, lozenges are a fantastic option. From Ricola to Halls, you'll absolutely be able to find something you like. And if all else fails, get yourself a bottle of honey. Bottoms up!

#6 -- Warm Up Your Voice for Every Occasion

Say it with me, everyone: your voice is a muscle. So just like an athlete or a dancer or anyone else that has to stretch a muscle group before they work it to void injury or strain, you voice needs a chance to warm up before excessive use (which for us is all the time, thank you very much). This is especially true in the colder months when the air is so dry and harsh against your respiratory system. And if ever I am overly tired or actively recovering from illness and have to sing, here's my favorite warm-up routine to follow from one of my favorite online vocal coaches, Hannah Bayles:

#7 -- TRUE Vocal Rest

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats vocal rest when you're vocally tired, period. Let's say you have a show to perform tonight, you overdid it in the last show, and everything listed above is not helping. That's when you ZIP IT ENTIRELY, and give your vocal folds a chance to really recover. A temporary vow of silence will reduce swelling and allow for the healing it needs, even in a pinch when you can't be silent for more than a few hours. And sometimes, even when you aren't overly tired or sick, your voice can benefit from a cat nap.

#8 -- Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Speaking of cat nap, sleep is the best way to recover from literally anything because your body can solely focus on healing while you're unconscious. I will be the first to admit that sleep is hard to come by (in terms of both schedule and general inability to sleep soundly), but do everything in your power to give your body an extra hour or two when and where you can. Sometimes a good night's sleep can save you from getting sick, so join me in the movement for better sleep and more naps in Fall of 2023 (hey, an effort is better than nothing).

Flu season can absolutely be a drag, but it doesn't have to be if you prepare effectively! Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go cuddle under a blanket with some tea and maybe take a nap to sleep off the side effects of my flu and Covid vaccines.

Thanks for reading, #DreamTeamHLJ, and in the words of YouTube's Dr. Mike, "stay happy and healthy".

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